Monday, July 12, 2010

Welcome to The Imagination Box Home

This Blog site is my box of imagination and is dedicated to IMAGINATION, be it my imagination or your imagination if you decide to put something in the box. I imagine that you will follow the rules for posting on Google’s Blog Spot and be respectful of my guest’s here and myself. I reserve the right to edit or delete any posts that I, in my sole discretion, find to be in violation of common courtesy or in violation of my understanding of Google’s policies. You are free to display your imagination on the walls, sidewalks or other surfaces here, but, anybody viewing it is free to find inspiration or use it to augment their imagination. I imagine and expect that all intellectual property rights will be respected. As you can probably see from this post, my imagination is somewhat random and disorganized.

At some point in the relatively near future I will have trained my autobot to deliver cyber packages to your autobot or computer. At that time I will offer you what I feel is a unique and imaginative opportunity. My imagination tells me that the vast majority of people are honest and trustworthy; which is why I can make the offer.

The offer is as follows: I will provide a link that will automatically send you an electronically delivered version of the desired work. This work will be delivered in a Microsoft 2003 word document as an email attachment at low cost. In the future I will probably provide the work in various formats. I imagine that upon receipt and perusal you will send me either a money order or check in payment for the requested work (if you are happy with it). If you are not satisfied with the work, simply delete it and feel free to try another selection. If for some reason you are happy with the work, but feel that it is over priced, simply send me what you feel that it was worth. You are hereby granted permission to make ONE COPY ONLY (per purchase) for your personal use under my copyright on the delivered material. I reserve the right to modify this offer at any time, with the changes affecting only those items as yet unordered. I imagine that such changes will be rare. For those items already ordered, the initial agreement is the agreement that will be honored.

For more information please fill out this form:


Email Address:

If you would like to make money from your blog you have an opportunity to do so from this link: . It has multiple options to allow you to earn money from your blog.

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Please be respectful to other posters. If you have a disagreement with myself or another poster please limit your response to language that you would use in front of any seven year old child. I reserve the right to remove any post that, in my sole discretion, I feel is abusive, threatening or uncivil. Remember the GOOGLE terms of service and abide by them.