Wednesday, September 29, 2010



  Did you know that the cussword shit actually started out as an acronym?

 According to my nearly exhaustive research, (the hardest part of which was getting my tongue thoroughly in my cheek), it stands for (drum roll): Ship High In Transit. The earliest heard use of this acronym is believed to date back to the early days of the British Admiralty. Some scholars mistakenly give the French credit for this acronym. Other scholars contend that the Dutch are the originators of the acronym. They site the fact that currently lost records indicate that Christopher Columbus WAS NOT the first person to discover “The New World” and thus history is full of SHIT.  

  Did you know that it actually started as a term from the early days of shipping and sailing?

  Further nearly exhaustive research indicates that many early sailing ships were mysteriously lost at sea, with all hands missing. The mysterious disappearances continued until one lucky crew with a nearly destroyed ship made it into port. An investigation by the British Admiralty determined that the ship had been carrying a full load of manure to use as fertilizer and developed a minor leak shortly after leaving port. The leak soaked a part of the load and began creating Methane Gas in the hold. The ships captain, unaware of the build up of methane gas went below with a lantern to assess the size of the leak and detonated the gas pocket. The First Mate immediately took charge of the ship and managed to reach a British Port for repairs.
  The British Admiralty, also plagued by unexplained disappearances of ships, immediately issued an order that all manure being shipped by ship must be carried at or above the water line. In the early days of sailing water frequently invaded the lower levels of ships and accumulated in the “scuppers”. Though it took several years to prove that Shipping High In Transit was the answer, eventually all boxes or containers of manure being shipped by sea were labeled with the acronym SHIT.   

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