Wednesday, October 20, 2010


 The ship’s captain, observing what are now normal caution and procedures since the start of the war, orders the ship to be camouflaged as an asteroid and moved closer to the solar system for a much more detailed passive analysis of the system. The war is last known to have been going badly, very badly, as unit after unit was defeated in detail. The ship must not be risked in any fashion, for it is quite possibly the last bastion of the race. Only the Ship’s captain and the Coordinator of Sciences have the knowledge that the crew was handpicked for their genetic make up instead of any other reason. Nor does the crew know that in the medical section of the ship there is a complete obstetrics and reproductive unit that will help the crew colonize a new planet. This is the race’s last forlorn hope that it will continue in some fashion. The captain and the Coordinator of Sciences have quietly met and both have sworn to take any action that they deem necessary to protect the race’s future.

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