Wednesday, October 27, 2010


  The Consumers are winning the war of extinction that they started with a massive surprise attack on the colonial planets. There are no known survivors from these attacks and no surrender is tried anymore; for anyone attempting to surrender is consumed after the surrender is completed. All attempts to contact the Consumers to open negotiations have received no response or the negotiators are not seen or heard from again. Never in the memory of the people’s race have they not been able to find a peaceful resolution to the conflicts thrust upon them, but never has an enemy flatly refused to communicate. The ship’s crew adjusts the ships defensive screens to start collecting the leftover dust and debris from when the local solar system formed. Ultimately, the ship appears to be a twelve hundred foot long asteroid that is seven hundred feet in diameter. When the process of camouflaging the ship is complete, it is moved to the inner side of an asteroid belt and “hidden”. 

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