Wednesday, November 3, 2010


  The continuous passive scan reveals twelve full planets and one large planetoid at the outer edge of the system. There are only two planets with a measurable atmosphere surrounding them. One of the atmospheric planets is so close to the sun that it is inconceivable to the crew that it could support any type of life and is subsequently ignored by the scout ships crew. The third planet out draws all of the attention of the scout ship’s crew due to a unique dual atmosphere system contained on it. This is the first such planet they have discovered. The outer atmosphere is gaseous and the inner atmosphere is liquid. The inner, liquid atmosphere covers nearly three fourths of the planet’s surface. Of equal interest to the scout ship’s crew is the fact that the planet is just large enough to hold a large, non-rotating, satellite moon in a stable orbit around itself. Most planets with satellites are far larger and maintain a gravitational hold on several small satellites. 

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