Thursday, August 26, 2010


  Are you blogging yet? If not, why not? Did you know that a blog can earn you money; frequently a substantial amount of money? Did you know that it can frequently be done for free or at worst, at low cost?
Blogging is easy. If you can type an email, you can blog. It is that simple to blog. When I typed the words “free blog sites” in Google’s search box and pressed search it came up with About 303,000,000 results (0.32 seconds). Now, probably not all of those listings are actually blog sites, but I feel sure that you can come up with a website that will allow you to make a free blog or blogs. When I typed the words “cheap blog sites” in Google’s search box and pressed search it came up with About 37,000,000 results (0.30 seconds). A very quick perusal of the first ten response showed that only about half of the responses were for blogging websites and the rest only had the words cheap, blog or site in them somewhere. None the less, this proves that it is easy to find a free or cheap place to post your blog.
I personally have at least six blogs on the Google blog site at, (,,,,, )and one on, titled So, this only proves that you can have more than one blog working for you. If you check them out, you will see that each is simple and simplistic. If I can do a blog, the rest of you smart people out there should have no problems at all starting and running a blog. I personally recommend Google’s I can set up an account for a blog there for free in about four minutes and be posting information on it in about ten minutes. I have heard this blog site referred to as the “blogger’s Kindergarten”. It does have a lot of online information, a blog and other helpful hints to make it even easier for beginners (like me). It has something else that is potentially very valuable to you; Google ads and Amazon Associates. If you don’t already know about monetizing your blog, I will tell you that this is a good thing that I will explain a little further along. Another nice feature that it has is a way to schedule posts for future publishing in your blog. Simply look at the bottom of the box where you compose your post for post options (it is right above the publish button) and click on it. It will bring up a listing of options pertaining to that post. At the right side of the list is a bubble marked “scheduled at” that you click on to schedule the date and time to post it, then click the publish button and you have scheduled the post. The word press blog site is essentially the same, but the blogs do have more “bells and whistles” for you to play with. I am equally happy with that site.

Monetizing your blog is as simple or as easy as you want it to be. It gives you the potential to earn substantial amounts of money over time. Unless you have information that is in high demand, it may take from several weeks or months to a year or more to really start making money. It will probably require patience and persistence to become ultimately successful, but you only need to believe and work to make it happen. One of the main keys to success is to consistently post information that is relevant to your blog on your blog. Some good news is that the postings do not have to be the length of “War and Peace”. They can actually be as short as one or two lines, as long as they are relevant to the blog. The search engines are always looking for new and relevant information to show up in your blog. The more consistently they see new and relevant information in your blog, the faster and more consistently your blog will rise in the search rankings of the internet. The higher your blog climbs in the search engine ranking the more hits or looks your blog will get, leading to more clicks on the ads on your blog. This is a very nice stairway to climb. The more that people click on the ads on your blog, the more likely that some will buy, making it more likely that you will get revenue from the advertisers because they are getting sales. Some advertisers will pay you for both clicks and sales which is an even better proposition.
The first and easiest method of monetizing your blog is from in the form of Ad Sense advertisements. This is especially easy if your blog is on the website because they ask you if you want to display the ads on your blog. Your default answer should be “yes”. Google will place the ads in the area or areas on your blog that you designate and will not damage the appearance or integrity of your blog. The ads are tailored to fit the content of your blog. For example if your blog is about cars, the ads will typically have some connection with cars or automotive products. If your blog is on another website it is easy to get a link or the html code to add ad sense to that blog site. For full details and to sign up (for free the last I knew) go to:
Not all blog sites will allow Google ad sense; they may have their own brand of ad sense style ads and not want competition. I suggest that you read and understand their rules for monetizing your blog before you post a blog on any site. If you can’t run Google ads on that website you can basically do one of two things; you can run their monetization program or you can transfer your blog to Google’s site. More information on how to do this can probably be had at or Google also has an affiliate program link to on their blog site that will help you monetize your blog. There are many affiliate marketing programs on the web to help you monetize your blog. A search of the web for affiliate programs on your favorite search engine should provide you with hundreds or thousands of affiliate programs. And the last option that I am going to mention in this post is writing and selling your own information products from your blog. The most common method is to simply write a short guide to help someone improve their life in some way and deliver it digitally after receiving payment for it. I am going to suggest that you keep it short (between about five and twenty five pages when printed out). This is probably one of the fastest growing fields on the internet.
In closing, you should strive to make your blog fun, informative and profitable. But most importantly it should be about something you know, understand at least a little bit about and enjoy for yourself. That way people will see your knowledge and passion for the subject.


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