Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Scouting my imagination....

A small scout/survey class ship transitions from F space to relativistic space in a brief flash of visible energies. It is crewed by bipedal organisms with a single brain contained within an external “head” at the top of the body. Their skin comes in three basic colors; blue, red or green and a few are mottled in all three colors. Each being has five fingers and an opposable thumb on both hands. The ship begins a series of course changes to offset it’s self from its original course and point of entry.  It is ultimately a futile attempt because the inhabitants of the solar system are not observing the skies and have not yet developed any technologies beyond thrusting spears made of barely sharpened saplings. The system analysis specialists begin passive scans to record data on the nearby solar system. The conclusion that is reached is that this is a very recent system of only several billion years age. There is therefore little reason to believe that it contains intelligent life forms.

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