Monday, December 27, 2010


The plan goes forward and the basic habitation is completed on the planet to house the ship’s crew. A special section, named the nursery, is designed to hold the genetic material until the time is right to start the first generation of children. The future of the colony is embodied in it. The hope it portrays provides a much needed boost to the colonist’s morale. It is constructed using the stored components to service the primary system on the ship. The transfer of the genetic materials and primary system will be the last step in preparing and launching the ship on her suicide mission.

Monday, December 20, 2010


During the construction phase of the colony it is discovered that the sun, while basically stable does have areas that are unstable and mobile. When these areas collide they create solar storms that put out increased solar radiation. There is some concern, because several of these storms have threatened to overwhelm the ships defensive system. A special satellite is launched to monitor the sun and give warning if it detects two or more storms on a collision course.

Monday, December 13, 2010


The ship is moved to an orbit of the planet and an active scan of the planet and its moon is conducted as a last step prior to the beginning of the colonization process. The colonization process will take more than three complete circuits of the now local sun to complete. Part of that time is spent in studying the solar system and especially the planet.

Monday, December 6, 2010


The genetic material to start over is carried aboard this ship in both your persons and in cryostat storage. We will take what technology we are able to transport down to the single habitable planet in this system and hide there until we are sure that the Krkl’aan have been destroyed or we have built a base large enough to start using it. The ship will be programmed to go to a very remote area light centuries away from here and visibly destroy it’s self. Welcome to our new home people and let’s get to work. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


By this time our civilization, as we knew it, no longer exists. Each solar system has revealed itself to the Krkl’aan in an effort to draw them into a trap. The trap was that after the Krkl’aan exterminated the last of our people and settled in to assimilate our technologies, the bombs concealed in the sun of each solar system caused each sun to instantly go Nova. The NOVA bombs were synchronized to detonate at exactly the same time. We and the children we will have can expect to see the NOVA event in our lifetimes.  It was hoped by our leaders that this would so damage the Krkl’aan that they would either go extinct or take so long to recover that we, the few survivors and our soon to be progeny would be able to finally defeat them.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The Captain makes his decision and calls a ship’s meeting to reveal the secret orders he had received prior to their voyage to this remote section of the galaxy. He starts the briefing by stating that the war against the Krkl’aan is nearly over and the Krkl’aans will or have already won. As is well known, the Krkl’aan exterminates all races they conquer and assimilate all technologies into their society. Society as we knew it is gone, as are all of our families. In losing and dying, the leadership chose the best and the brightest personnel to man five separate ships just like this one. Each was sent out with orders like the ones I received. I am going announce those orders now. We have been ordered to find and colonize an appropriate planet in order that our race may continue. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The Captain is now reasonably convinced that no technologically intelligent life exists in this system and orders a long duration probe to be sent to the planet to search for signs any technological constructions. The probe is programmed to make a three level search for technological artifacts. Each level is programmed to make seven passes around the planet from different angles and compare all images in tridimensional form. The scan starts from a high altitude level and proceeds to a low altitude level for scanning. No recognizable technological forms are discovered. The captain and crew have a built in bias about technology that causes them to not consider how low the threshold of technology actually is. When spaceflight is common, the spear is not recognizable as a technological asset. The captain is convinced that no intelligent life is present on the planet. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


This planet is considered likely to have some type of life form existing on it because of its complex atmosphere. All passive scanners are focused on it in a search for any signs of technology for three full solar orbits. No visible or detectable signs of a technology base are found. At the beginning of the fourth solar orbit the Captain orders the first probe to be launched into the upper atmosphere of the planet. The probe safely returns and the gaseous atmosphere is found to contain: 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.039% carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of other not easily discerned gases. It is also found that traces of the lower liquid atmosphere can and do attach to the upper atmosphere as a vapor. Initial analysis of the trace amounts of the lower atmosphere show that it is composed primarily by molecules of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


  The continuous passive scan reveals twelve full planets and one large planetoid at the outer edge of the system. There are only two planets with a measurable atmosphere surrounding them. One of the atmospheric planets is so close to the sun that it is inconceivable to the crew that it could support any type of life and is subsequently ignored by the scout ships crew. The third planet out draws all of the attention of the scout ship’s crew due to a unique dual atmosphere system contained on it. This is the first such planet they have discovered. The outer atmosphere is gaseous and the inner atmosphere is liquid. The inner, liquid atmosphere covers nearly three fourths of the planet’s surface. Of equal interest to the scout ship’s crew is the fact that the planet is just large enough to hold a large, non-rotating, satellite moon in a stable orbit around itself. Most planets with satellites are far larger and maintain a gravitational hold on several small satellites. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


  The Consumers are winning the war of extinction that they started with a massive surprise attack on the colonial planets. There are no known survivors from these attacks and no surrender is tried anymore; for anyone attempting to surrender is consumed after the surrender is completed. All attempts to contact the Consumers to open negotiations have received no response or the negotiators are not seen or heard from again. Never in the memory of the people’s race have they not been able to find a peaceful resolution to the conflicts thrust upon them, but never has an enemy flatly refused to communicate. The ship’s crew adjusts the ships defensive screens to start collecting the leftover dust and debris from when the local solar system formed. Ultimately, the ship appears to be a twelve hundred foot long asteroid that is seven hundred feet in diameter. When the process of camouflaging the ship is complete, it is moved to the inner side of an asteroid belt and “hidden”. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


 The ship’s captain, observing what are now normal caution and procedures since the start of the war, orders the ship to be camouflaged as an asteroid and moved closer to the solar system for a much more detailed passive analysis of the system. The war is last known to have been going badly, very badly, as unit after unit was defeated in detail. The ship must not be risked in any fashion, for it is quite possibly the last bastion of the race. Only the Ship’s captain and the Coordinator of Sciences have the knowledge that the crew was handpicked for their genetic make up instead of any other reason. Nor does the crew know that in the medical section of the ship there is a complete obstetrics and reproductive unit that will help the crew colonize a new planet. This is the race’s last forlorn hope that it will continue in some fashion. The captain and the Coordinator of Sciences have quietly met and both have sworn to take any action that they deem necessary to protect the race’s future.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


  A small scout/survey class ship transitions from F space to relativistic space in a brief flash of visible energies. The ship begins a series of course changes to offset it’s self from its original course and point of entry. The ship comes to a full stop and the in system drive is turned off. The bridge officers begin to ask their subordinates for initial reports on the local solar system’s technological level. The initial reports all show no signs of technological “noise” or developments. These reports bring a lessening of the initial tension on the bridge. The ship’s commander orders the engineering section to begin making initial preparations to camouflage the ship. This is ultimately a futile activity because the inhabitants of the solar system are not observing the skies for alien presences and have not yet developed any technologies beyond thrusting spears made of barely sharpened saplings. They have only recently formed the concept of “God(s)” and would have believed it an omen of the god’s displeasure had it been noticed. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2010



  Did you know that the cussword shit actually started out as an acronym?

 According to my nearly exhaustive research, (the hardest part of which was getting my tongue thoroughly in my cheek), it stands for (drum roll): Ship High In Transit. The earliest heard use of this acronym is believed to date back to the early days of the British Admiralty. Some scholars mistakenly give the French credit for this acronym. Other scholars contend that the Dutch are the originators of the acronym. They site the fact that currently lost records indicate that Christopher Columbus WAS NOT the first person to discover “The New World” and thus history is full of SHIT.  

  Did you know that it actually started as a term from the early days of shipping and sailing?

  Further nearly exhaustive research indicates that many early sailing ships were mysteriously lost at sea, with all hands missing. The mysterious disappearances continued until one lucky crew with a nearly destroyed ship made it into port. An investigation by the British Admiralty determined that the ship had been carrying a full load of manure to use as fertilizer and developed a minor leak shortly after leaving port. The leak soaked a part of the load and began creating Methane Gas in the hold. The ships captain, unaware of the build up of methane gas went below with a lantern to assess the size of the leak and detonated the gas pocket. The First Mate immediately took charge of the ship and managed to reach a British Port for repairs.
  The British Admiralty, also plagued by unexplained disappearances of ships, immediately issued an order that all manure being shipped by ship must be carried at or above the water line. In the early days of sailing water frequently invaded the lower levels of ships and accumulated in the “scuppers”. Though it took several years to prove that Shipping High In Transit was the answer, eventually all boxes or containers of manure being shipped by sea were labeled with the acronym SHIT.   

Thursday, September 9, 2010













































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If you are reading this booklet, it means that you bought it, are considering buying it, or perhaps someone else bought it for you. It proves that this idea or any idea has a market. You are holding the proof in your hands. I have written it and put it up for sale and I thank you for buying it. I believe that you can do it also, but that is unimportant. WHAT IS IMPORTANT is that YOU believe that you can do it. It only requires that you have the vision and stamina to TAKE ACTION on your idea or dream. Normally it is relatively easy to follow your dream, but that depends how committed to chasing your dream. Are you a dreamer or a dream chaser? Do you BELIEVE that you can overcome most or all of the obstacles that will get in the way of ACHIEVING YOUR DREAM? For those obstacles you can’t get over on your own, can you find someone to help you over it? So you have your dream, what is stopping you from chasing it? Do you need some help with finding a topic to write about? What do you love to do in life? What is your favorite recreational activity? What do you do at work? What do you think of and about your co-workers? What is humorous to you? Do you see an opportunity that no one else can see? Do you know how to balance financial records? All of these are possible subjects to write about, but the list is limited only by your IMAGINATION.

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A book is ten percent imagination and ninety percent perspiration. Of course if you have a computer with a good                                                                            word processing program that changes to ten percent
Imagination, sixty percent perspiration and thirty percent watching the computer correct your spelling mistakes. Imagination is useful in more than just book writing. It is very useful in every day life also. Your imagination is just like a knife sharpener; the more you use it the sharper your knife is. YOU HAVE AN IMAGINATION, USE IT. Use it fore more than just writing; use it in all aspects of your life. With your imagination sharpened you will see opportunities that most other people miss.
  Once you have used your imagination to perceive something no one else has or created something new or a new way of using something someone else has created, you can then imagine your plan to take advantage of what you have dreamed up. You might imagine your plan in reverse order to make it easier to achieve your planned goal. This is the concept of what I am saying: 1. Think about what it is you really want to do and write it down, that is your final objective. 2. Think about where you are now. 3. Think about the obstacle that is closest to your final objective that is keeping you from reaching your final objective and formulate a plan to overcome it. 4. Think about what is the

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second closest obstacle to your objective that is keeping you from achieving your objective and devise a plan to overcome that obstacle. 5. Keep repeating this process until you reach where you are now. Each time you practice this process it becomes easier to use.
  Your imagination allows you to be different and quite possibly wealthier than the rest of the thundering herd. Though I have never met any of the following famous people, they obviously have or had at least some imagination. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ely Whitney, Samuel Colt, Booker T. Washington, Martin Luther King, Sun Tzu, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet.
  While huge dreams for your book can and do provide great profit, they normally require great amounts of physical and mental labor, not to mention great amounts of capital. The capital I am talking about is the capital of publishing contacts or money to pay for publishing if you do not have a publisher that is currently willing to publish your work.
  If you do not have that type of capital, you can always do like I am doing and start small by imagining IDEA SEEDS to plant in your idea woods. Over a relatively short time you will probably discover that you have an IDEA FOREST. You can harvest the more mature of those Ideas,
take them to the sawmill (typewriter) and process them for

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sale. The finished product (your book) can be self published at various places and in variable forms at a local printing company or a nationally recognized brand such as Kinko’s or Staples just to name a couple.
  A few of the markets available might be or are: College Book stores, consignment stores, local grocery stores, local book stores, your own web site store, eBay,, or Kindle to name just a few. Use your imagination to find or create the market you want or need to use.                                       
  I feel that it is time to change gears and start using the education gear. While education is too large to adequately discuss, in this short a book, I am going to give you my fact deprived OPINION. If you are going to become a writer you need at least a high school education to write and maintain a reasonable amount of credibility. Of course if all you have is a high school education (like me) the result is probably going to be a poor product like this. A college or technical school education with a Major in the English or whichever other language is your favorite language to write in is VITAL.
  In general, though, I believe that the education system as it exists in this country is geared entirely towards training all persons to be the best possible EMPLOYEE. I am not trying to insult anyone who is happy as an employee or just

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wants to be left alone as employee. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING AN EMPLOYEE. Employees are vital to any company. My belief is that if more people were properly educated in basic financial education, there would be many more small businesses and higher employment. I believe this to be true because people in general would be aware of how to handle their personal finances and could run a business because they would know how to plan for and handle the financial part of the business. They would also tend to have the disposable income to finance the start up process of their business. Instead the current “education system” does very little or nothing to encourage the entrepreneur or small business owner in the earliest, most easily trained stages. The American education system is a double edged sword. On the one edge, it DOES teach the basic skills to gain knowledge. The other side of the sword is that it only teaches skills that will be valuable to you as an employee.
Basic education (K-12) teaches advancing levels of basic employee skills and the advanced education system only provides more advanced “employee only” skills.
  Education can be formal, such as a technical school, college or other educational programs; some ran by your employer. Someone has to pay for this type of education.

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Education can be self directed by reading and studying on your own and has the advantage of letting you concentrate on what you need to find out at that time. This education can be much less expensive because it is entirely possible to visit your local public library and borrow them for FREE. They will likely have many other resources available that are available only at the local level. Another very low cost measure for finding the books you want to study is to buy them at yard sales, consignment stores, and Good Will or Salvation Army stores. I am going to make another suggestion that I feel is very important. You need to read several books by several different authors about financial matters. Personally, two of my favorite financial Authors are Robert Kiyosaki and Robert G. Allen. The more you are exposed to the thoughts of financially successful people, the more opportunities you will recognize when you see them. The more exposed you are, the more likely you are to conduct your personal life and personal business in a financially sound manner. Financial education is like the imagination, the more it is exercised the stronger it will get. A strong financial sense is probably second in importance only to your imagination and both in combination are nearly absolutely invaluable. Now go and get your exercise.
  It is time to change mental gears yet again and discuss marketing. Marketing is about much more than just selling a product or products. Selling is just a small part of

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marketing and a strong education in marketing is definitively invaluable. Marketing is much more about the strategies and specialized concepts of selling than about the selling of individual items themselves. An education in will teach you how to think about who your market actually is and even more importantly, what it is that they want to buy. It does however have a direct impact on how and where you sell your book.
  I hope that this book has inspired you to try to do what it is that I have done here and that you are able to do it more expansively and better than I have done here. I hope that this book has caused you many feelings since you first received it. Most of all, I hope that you have thoroughly
enjoyed this book.                                                                                                        
Entrepreneurship is a challenging field of endeavor, but is probably the best game in town. In a lot of ways, it requires a gambler to even attempt it. You may amass a fortune or fortunes and you may just as easily lose it. This all part of the game and what makes it so fascinating. Unless you are going to work for someone else, YOU are an entrepreneur. Enjoy and good luck.

Copyright 2010

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